Remove Activate Windows watermark on the desktop in Windows 11/10

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Windows Activation watermark appears on the desktop if you don't activate your copy of Windows 10 erstwhile the 90-day test period is over. It Crataegus oxycantha likewise chance that you are even eyesight this watermark even when you make activated your Windows. In this post, we leave fling just about suggestions on how to slay Spark Windows watermark connected the screen background in Windows 11/10.

Remove Activate Windows watermark

Remove Set off Windows watermark on the desktop

To permanently remove the Activate Windows water line along the screen background in Windows 11/10, you can test any of the chase methods:

  1. Purchase an activation key
  2. Modify the Start register key
  3. Make over and trial a batch file
  4. Modify the PaintDesktopVersion register key

Allow's determine a verbal description of these methods.

1] Purchase an activation key

According to Microsoft Windows 10 software package license footing; Section 5, you are glorified to use Windows 10 only if you are properly licenced and the package has been the right way activated with a genuine product discover or away other authorized methods. So, if you do not suffer a licence key, you should buy unmatched and then aerate your copy of Windows 10.

2] Modify the Start registry key

Remove Activate Windows watermark-Start registry key

Since this is a registry operation, it is recommended that you foul the registry or create a system reconstruct distributor point as necessary precautionary measures. Once done, you can proceed as follows:

  • Press Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog.
  • In the Run dialog box, type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.
  • Navigate OR jump to the registry key route below:
  • At the placement, on the right pane, ambiguous-click the Start entry to edit its properties.
  • In the properties windows, set the Value information to 4.
  • Come home OK to save changes.
  • Boot your PC.

3] Create and run a batch file

Do the pursuing:

  • Press Windows fundamental + R to invoke the Lam dialog.
  • In the Run panel, character notepad and arrive at Enter to open Notepad.
  • Transcript and paste the syntax below into the textual matter editor in chief.
@sound reflection off taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe get-go explorer.exe exit
  • Hold open (preferably to the desktop) the file cabinet with a name and supply the .bat file extension – eg;Remove_Watermark.bat and on theKeep open as type box selectAll Files .
  • Nowadays, you can run the batch filing cabinet with admin privilege (right-click the saved file and selectRun atomic number 3 Executive from the context fare).

In one case you pass over the deal data file, the Spark Windows watermark leave be removed from your desktop. But when you reboot your computing machine the activation message will pop up again. Therein case, you tooshie schedule the batch file to run automatically whenever Windows boots.

4] Modify the PaintDesktopVersion registry key

Remove Activate Windows watermark-PaintDesktopVersion registry key

  • Open Registry Editor.
  • Navigate or jump to the registry key path to a lower place:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • At the localisation, on the straight pane, double-click the PaintDesktopVersion entry to edit its properties.
  • In the properties windows, set the Note value data to 0.
  • Click OK to save changes.
  • Reboot your Personal computer.

And that's it on the ways to remove the Activate Windows watermark on the desktop in Windows 10!

Now read: How to check if the Windows Key is Genuine operating room Legit.


Obinna Onwusobalu, has studied Information & Communication Technology and is a keen follower of the Windows ecosystem. He runs a software package clinic. He says it's best pattern to create a System Mend Point before fashioning any changes to your PC.

Remove Activate Windows watermark on the desktop in Windows 11/10


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